Developing a Safety and Health program in Manitoba

If you run a business in Manitoba with 20 or more workers, you must have a safety and health program in place. When done right, these programs can help reduce injuries and occupational illness within your business.

Safety and health legislation in Manitoba is based on the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) which asserts that everyone in the workplace has a personal and shared responsibility for working together to prevent workplace injuries and illness. And your safety and health program should reflect that.

One responsibility shared across Manitoba’s workforce is a commitment to due diligence.  This means taking every reasonable precaution to avoid injury and occupational illness in the workplace. And when creating your safety and health program, there are a few ways that you can implement due diligence into your plan.

  1. Establish a program that systemically addresses hazards and risks.
  2. Ensure your program meets the needs of your workers.
  3. Once the program has been established and implemented, monitor its effectiveness.

What should be included in your safety and health program?

SafeManitoba has provided what your safety & health program needs to include to satisfy its purpose of preventing injury and occupational illness in the workplace. In addition to the establishment of either a safety and health committee or representative, your program should include a:

  • Process that measures the effectiveness of the program.
  • Workplace safety training plan.
  • Policy statement that states your commitment to safety and health.
  • System to identify and control hazards.
  • Emergency preparedness plan.
  • Statement of responsibilities expected of the employer, supervisors, and workers.
  • Schedule for regular workplace inspections.
  • Control of biological and chemical substances plan.
  • Process for investigating incidents and work refusals.
  • Plan to safeguard contractors and self-employees workers.

Questions? Ask our health and safety experts

Don’t wait for a workplace accident to happen. Ensure that you have a well-developed safety and health program in place to protect your workers and your business.

Call and speak with an expert today:  1 (204) 201-1614