Health and Safety Training in New Brubswick
Do you know what training is required of your business? In Alberta, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Regulation and Code require employers to protect their employees in the workplace. This means providing them with the right training, information and protection in order for them to preform their jobs safely. Health and safety representatives and joint work site health and safety committees (HSC) must also meet certain training requirements.
Employer Responsibilities to Workers
Employers must inform their workers of the health and safety hazards at the worksite and how they can take precautions to avoid potential danger. Employees should be trained on how to use safety equipment, how to safely carry out their job duties and how to follow safe work practices.
Training for Representatives and HSC
Both health and safety representatives and health and safety committee members are required to undergo special training. Employers must allow them to take either 16 hours or all their work hours across two shifts to attend training.
Training consists of two mandatory courses. The first is a 2-hour prerequisite course which is provided free of charge. The second is a 6-8 hour training course that must be provided by a designated training agency.
The prerequisite course provides foundational health and safety knowledge and can be delivered via any medium as long as it adheres to the Curriculum Standard. Upon completion, participants will receive a credit and certificate.
The training is a comprehensive course that will take place across multiple sessions. It must be provided by an approved trainer. This training is a requirement for both health and safety representatives and HSC co-chairs. However, HSC members should also be encouraged to take this course if they are interested.
Do you have questions about health and safety training?
Our experts can help you ensure your training program fulfills all the requirements of OHS legislation. Call us today: 1(888) 215-2550.