Responsibilities of the Ministry of Labour

Alberta’s Ministry of Labour is responsible for delivering programs that the needs of employers, employees and unemployed individuals. The following agencies are used to achieve these objectives:

  1. Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB) is an independent and impartial tribunal. The ALRB is accountable for administering, interpreting and enforcing Alberta’s labour laws.
  2. Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation is the final step in worker and employer appeals for compensation issues.
  3. Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is a separate entity accountable to the Minister. The WCB is responsible for administering Alberta’s workers’ compensation system and delivering workers’ compensation services to employees and employers in the province.

These agencies work together to set best practices for health and safety, fair treatment, and employee well-being in the workplace. Furthermore, each entity is responsible for administering and enforcing legislation, education, and a compliance system. All must align with both the strategic direction of the Ministry of Labour and the Government of Alberta.

How the Ministry of Labour Impacts Small Business Owners

Small business owners are expected to recognize, understand, and act in compliance with the rules and regulations set out by the Ministry of Labour. This includes legislation regarding workplace health and safety, employment standards, and employee rights. Although compliance is essential with all companies, small businesses have a higher risk of loss.

With that, the Ministry of Labour has a key initiative to protect workers with a modern and balanced labour environment. This means providing a safe, fair and healthy workplace. What are you doing to ensure your business is set up for success? Ask Employer Line’s team of HR professionals for advice. We’re here to help prepare, prevent and proceed with business as usual.

Still have questions on the Ministry of Labour?

Whether you have a question about the Ministry of Labour or another employment-related concern, we can guide you with best practices for your small business. Call our complimentary employer advice line today at: 1-888-215-2550.