What is an occupational health committee?
As your business grows and you hire more people, you’ll have to take on extra duties to health and safety. The most important is appointing an Occupational Health and Safety Representative (OHSR) or creating an Occupational Health Committee (OHC). This is a person or body made of management and workers committed to the safety of the entire organization.
OHCs must comply with Occupation Health and Safety Legislation (OHS) and are bound by the Saskatchewan Employment Act.
Whether you have an OHSR or an OHC will depend on your headcount. The rules are:
- Businesses with 10 or more employees must establish an Occupational Health Committee.
- Businesses with 5-9 employees must appoint an Occupational Health and Safety Representative.
An OHC brings focus to workplace health and safety concerns. The committee addresses and implements solutions to solve any concerns that are raised. If you need any help setting up your OHC, call our team for free advice today.
What are the advantages of having an OHC?
OHCs give workers a chance to help draft policy. This means the policy will reflect the needs of workers, leading to a safer workplace. This opportunity to learn from workers across countless industries is one that only a group like an OHC can offer. These individuals share the same goal—to improve the health and safety practices of workplaces across Saskatchewan.
Don’t hesitate to give our experts a call if you need help creating an OHC or appointing an OHSR. Our business is keeping your business safe.
Your responsibilities and requirements as an employer
As an employer, you are responsible for the creation of an OHC. Along with this, you’ll also have to:
- Consult and co-operate with the OHC.
- Respond to concerns or recommendations raised by the OHC.
- Inform the OHC or the representative, in writing, of the action(s) they have or will take to correct the hazard(s) or if the employer has not corrected the hazard(s), the reasons for not taking action.
The employer is the tone setter for the program as it is your job to create it. This means as the employer the success of your safety and health program will likely rest with you.
Do you have health and safety questions?
Do you still have questions about OHCs or OHSRs? Get in touch with our health and safety advisors who will walk you through the entire process. We will help you establish a health and safety committee or appoint a health and safety representative. Call us for free advice at 1 888-215-2550